The landscape was changing in the way men were dressing.

We noticed that while a lot of guys here would still rather cut off their arm than go clothes shopping there was an increasing awareness of fashion amongst guys. And back then, while you could pay the earth for a designer number, or grab a low cost, low quality item that lasted about as long as a pork chop in the sun, there was nothing for the guys who wanted to look good but didn't have to pay the earth for it.

So we decided to put our money where our mouths were and established 3 Wise Men with just a few but very important rules:

The Rules

These days we still religiously follow these rules even as our range and store numbers have increased. So as we look forward to the next decade in business, we'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for yours.

All the Best.


The landscape was changing in the way men were dressing.

We noticed that while a lot of guys here would still rather cut off their arm than go clothes shopping there was an increasing awareness of fashion amongst guys. And back then, while you could pay the earth for a designer number, or grab a low cost, low quality item that lasted about as long as a pork chop in the sun, there was nothing for the guys who wanted to look good but didn't have to pay the earth for it.

So we decided to put our money where our mouths were and established 3 Wise Men with just a few but very important rules:

The Rules

These days we still religiously follow these rules even as our range and store numbers have increased. So as we look forward to the next decade in business, we'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for yours.

All the Best.

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3 Wise Men High Street

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About Us

One day in 2004, 3 of us - all mates - were having a general chat about life, as you do, and we got to the topic of shirts here in New Zealand. All three of us had lived overseas where selection, price and the ability to buy on-line meant that shirt shopping was actually a pleasure. However back here the choice and cost of shirts meant we were just not buying them on a regular basis. And we were sure we weren't the only ones who felt like this.

The landscape was changing in the way men were dressing.

We noticed that while a lot of guys here would still rather cut off their arm than go clothes shopping there was an increasing awareness of fashion amongst guys. And back then, while you could pay the earth for a designer number, or grab a low cost, low quality item that lasted about as long as a pork chop in the sun, there was nothing for the guys who wanted to look good but didn't have to pay the earth for it.

So we decided to put our money where our mouths were and established 3 Wise Men with just a few but very important rules:

The Rules

  • Make it easy for people to buy at 3 Wise Men by making quality fashionable gear at affordable prices.
  • Always have strong online offers, as well as welcoming and well-stocked stores with awesome staff offering great service.
  • Keep everything simple. Especially pricing. We started with all our shirts $120 each or 3 for 3 hundy. Today, nothing's changed - much to the ongoing disappointment of our accountant.
  • Ensure all our shirts are made of the softest, richest 100% double ply cotton and make sure everything we make wears beautifully and is made to last.
  • Go the extra mile. On everything. Check out the contrast materials in our shirts, the Argentinean red leather soles on our shoes or the signature linings of our suits.
  • GBR. This stands for Good Buggers Rule. We like good buggers. We try to be good buggers. We try to work with good buggers. It seems to work. Many of our staff and customers have been with us since the start. They're good buggers. And they rule.
  • Strive to be an ethically responsible retailer. Making ethical sourcing decisions and working with manufacturers that support this is a critical part of the 3 Wise Men way of doing business. Yep, our “only work with good buggers” rule extends to our suppliers too. We visit their factories twice a year and have begun a journey with all of them towards greater visibility around the ethical supply chain. The good news is our key suppliers are 100% cooperative and more than happy to work with us on this project. This is work-in-progress and it is complicated, but we look forward to sharing with our customers that we are holding up our end of this important part of the “good buggers rule”.
  • Don't follow fashion. Lead it. We've always described our style as Traditional with a Twist which means you'll always look good in 3 Wise Men.
  • Have fun.

These days we still religiously follow these rules even as our range and store numbers have increased. So as we look forward to the next decade in business, we'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for yours.

All the Best.

Contact Info

Posted By 3 Wise Men High Street / February 17, 2025

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