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aamra networks limited

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About Us

aamra networks limited (formerly Global Online Services Limited) over the last decade has consistently provided its customers with state of the art IT communication solutions. Our clients have been able to rely on our ability to provide stable and consistent connectivity solutions. Using the state of the art backbone and infrastructure, we have ensured that our clients have had minimal worry when it comes to dependability of their IT Communication. That in turn has ensured us an enviable list of blue-chip customers. When Internet and related value added services are critical input to business, Corporate Bangladesh has but only one obvious choice-aamra.
aamra networks limited (ANL) employs more than 327 employees with diverse skill sets and expertise. Through years of experience ANL is able to accurately assess constantly changing customer requirements, offering the most extensive and affordable IT services available.
ANL places due importance on quickly adopting new technology by investing 30% of its budget for R&D. The company also strives to maintain international standard products and services; ANL is upholding ISO9001:2008 certification for the last 8 years.
The company is one of the 11 concerns of aamra companies. The group has diversified investment in ICT, Textile, and Lifestyle sectors in Bangladesh. Starting in 1985 the group presently has over 500 employees.

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Posted By aamra networks limited / February 6, 2025

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