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About Us

Cambridge Homes was just a twinkle in the eye of Sepp Santner, when he moved to NZ from Austria, in late 1953. In 1956 Sepp started Santner Construction Ltd and became a founding member of Master Builders in the Waikato in 1965. He was instrumental in building schools throughout NZ as well as building houses for Housing Corp and high-end homes throughout the Waikato. Peter was the first of his five children to be born, 3 sisters came in between with Tim rounding out the troop. Both boys were inspired by their father to build. It wasn’t long before they were both working in the family business, being instilled with the integrity and values that are the foundations of Cambridge Homes today. “A crooked plank of wood costs as much as a straight one, so we are hand picking every single plank,” was just one of Sepp’s pearls of wisdom. It is now 20 years since Cambridge Homes was founded, and just like the straight planks of wood, Tim and Peter have selected a great team of highly talented individuals to uphold and follow through with these core beliefs and values. Their pride and passion for building beautiful, premium homes and taking their clients through every step of the process is as present today as it was in the Santner household 60 years ago.


You have decided to build a new home and want to know you have made the right decision.  At Cambridge Homes we know that an enjoyable building experience comes down to great  COMMUNICATION. Consider us your ‘building buddy’! We will be along-side you every step of the way. From your first consultation with our conscientious sales teams, to the guidance and support demonstrated by our project managers. This will mean we are with you through the entirety of the building process. We’ll be there from the moment you walk through our doors to the moment we give you the keys to yours.

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Posted By Cambridge Homes / February 9, 2025

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