SureShot Books Publishing LLC Shipping Books & Magazines to Correctional Facilities, both state and federal. Largest selection of Inmate Magazine Subscriptions, Tattoo Magazines Subscriptions, Books on Wicca - Witchcraft, LGBT Books to Prisoners, Urban Fiction, Urban Magazines, and Prison Magazines.
SureShot Books is an Approved Vendor for TDCJ inmates with over 25 years of experience helping/sending books to inmates.
We have made depositing funds to an inmate account, much easier for family and friends. By adding funds, inmates can make purchases for products whenever they choose on their account with this credit. With this purchase we will forward a deposit confirmation, stating that they have funds available in their account with a message from the sender. These funds are available immediately for use.
If the inmate has e-mail access-please have them visit us at
[email protected]
Corrlinks, Jpay, Connect Network, Getting Out, GTL, Smart Jail Mail, Securustech, JailFunds etc...