To bring positive link through the professional and effective use of multimedia communication in all areas.
To operate a world class multimedia company which delivers products & services globally, fully meeting our customer needs and is shaped by our ethical agenda.
To ‘build a financially sustainable, socially responsible multimedia organisation’.
Organisational Strategy
Our strategy and business model drive our operations, supported at all times by good corporate governance. The strength of our people and brands; the innovations that help differentiate our products; our agile and responsible service; our brand and innovation – these all will contribute to the revenue growth that helps build our value.
Our overall strategy is to maintain and grow our social engagement through a market focused, customer excellence program.
In short, we will fund our social agenda by generating revenues from the market, through a range of commercial activities and remove dependency’s on any form of external funding
Core Values and Behaviors
We affirm the dignity, potential and contribution of valuable clients, partners and team members
We act consistently with Drik`s mission, being honest and transparent in what we do and say, and accept responsibility for our collective and individual actions
We work together effectively to serve the larger community
We constantly challenge ourselves to the highest levels of learning and performance to achieve greater impact
We do not disclose or use corporate techniques and information outside our work place, even if we leave the organisation, as it diminishes our competitive advantage
Financial Sustainability
Key to Drik’s agenda is its ability to sustain itself in a competitive industry
Drik seeks to entrust its team members, particularly “frontline” team members who are closest to our customers, with more autonomy and decision-making power
All team members are encouraged to identify how they can become more effective stewards of Drik`s and this world’s resources
In both internal matters and external relations, those who have access to information are expected to be open, sharing it freely and generously with others
Enabling/Learning Environment
On-the-job learning will be seen as a process that continues throughout an entire career
Gender and Diversity
We believe that each person, by virtue of his or her particular context and qualities, has a unique identity and combination of aspirations and abilities
Team members are encouraged to identify first with Drik and to its mission, vision and core values, and then to their particular department
Drik wishes all team members to act as ‘self-leaders’, who will do their task to the best of their ability, act as role models and develop themselves
Drik believes in the power of culture and promotes cultural diversity with an emphasis on visual medium. Its emphasis on photography relies on the power of the medium to validate history and its ability to create a powerful emotional response, thereby influencing public opinion. Drik’s broader practice, utilizing the entire gamut of visual culture, is inclusive, but positively promotes majority world practitioners. There is a commitment to participatory production and the involvement of women, youth and marginalized communities.
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